单项选择题If the high-pressure switch on the compressor opens and stops the compressor a possible cause could be:()

A.too much cooling water going through the condenser
B.not enough refrigerant in the system
C.a leak in the evaporator coils
D.no enough cooling water going through the condenser



1.单项选择题The scale trap is located between the ()

A.king valve and the expansion valve
B.solenoid valve and expansion valve
C.evaporator and receiver
D.compressor and evaporator

2.单项选择题The relief valve is located on the()

A.discharge side of condenser
B.discharge side of compressor
C.outlet of the evaporator
D.receiver tank

3.单项选择题If the compressor-discharge temperature is higher than the receiver temperature()

A.increase the amount of cooling water to the condenser
B.decrease the amount of cooling water to the condenser
C.add more refrigerant to the system
D.remove some of the refrigerant from the system

4.单项选择题If the head pressure is too high,()

A.the relief valve should open before the high-pressure cutout
B.the relief valve should open and let excess refrigerant go to receiver
C.the high-pressure cutout switch should operate before the relief valve opens
D.close in on the suction valve

5.单项选择题If no gaskets are used in the piping joints of a Freon system, the joints must be()

A.finished joints
B.welded joints
C.ground joints
D.soldered joints

6.单项选择题If the temperature in the icebox is too high, the trouble could be()

A.a clogged scale trap
B.air in the system
C.automatic controls not functioning properly
D.insufficient cooling water to the condenser

7.单项选择题Air or noncondensable gas is removed from a refrigeration system by a ()

A.separating chamber
B.system of baffles
C.purge valve
D.vacuum reducing valve

8.单项选择题Where are the zinc plates located?()

A.saltwater side of the condenser
B.refrigerant side of the condenser
C.in the evaporator coils
D.in the suction strainer

9.单项选择题The device used for low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout on a compressor is called a()

B.pressure controller
C.controller switch
D.cutout switch

10.单项选择题The purpose of the purge valve at the top of the condenser in a refrigerating system is to()

A.remove any air that may accumulate in the system
B.take out unpleasant fumes from the refrigerant
C.vent off excess refrigerant in an emergency
D.permit opening the refrigerating system for cleaning and inspecting