单项选择题When an engine is starting and has got a sufficiently high speed, say about 20 rpm,()

A.the starting air supply is cut off and fuel is injected into the cylinders
B.the fuel feeding is cut off and the turning gear is put in
C.the starting air supply is cut off and turning gear is taken out
D.the electric blower is shut down and fuel is injected into the cylinders



1.单项选择题When starting an engine, the compressed air enters the cylinder when the corresponding piston is in position of its()

A.suction stroke
B.compression stroke
C.power stroke
D.exhaust stroke

2.单项选择题The starting air entering the cylinder begins when the piston()

A.has nearly come to the TDC
B.has just past the TDC
C.has nearly come to the BDC
D.has just past the BDC

3.单项选择题In the starting system, the automatic valve is controlled by(), and the cylinder start valves are controlled by()

A.pilot air;pilot air
C.handle;pilot air coming through the distributor
D.solenoid;pilot air coming through the distributor

4.单项选择题A marine diesel engine is started by()

A.supplying high pressure oil into a hydraulic motor
B.supplying high temperature air into the cylinder
C.supplying high pressure air into the cylinder
D.electrical igniting

5.单项选择题In modern installations, the main engine and the standby auxiliary engines()

A.can be started at low temperature and are free from preheating
B.usually are preheated by steam before being started
C.are kept at a constant temperature and free from preheating
D.are kept at a low temperature to save energy

6.单项选择题In order to maintain a constant outlet water temperature of 80-85℃ from the engine, a three-way valve is installed()

A.at the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the engine
B.at the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the cooler
C.at the engine outlet to control the flux through the engine
D.at the engine inlet to control the flux through the engine

7.单项选择题About the jacket water, that of the auxiliary engines usually() is circulated by pumps, and the main engine usually ()

A.an engine-driven;as well
B.an engine-driven;has an independent pump
C.an independent;as well
D.an independent;has an engine-driven pump

8.单项选择题The cooling system() needs least maintenance work for in this kind of system()

A.open;the minimum components
B.open;the high cooling efficiency
C.central;there are more coolers and a extra set of pumps
D.central;there is only one component contacts seawater

9.单项选择题An alarm device inserted between the deaerating tank and the expansion tank can notify the on-watching crew that ()

A.the expansion tank is lack of water
B.the expansion tank is over flowing
C.there is something wrong with the cooling system
D.there is something wrong with the engine

10.单项选择题As an alternative to the conventional seawater cooling system, is based on principles about cooler locations, ()flow control and preheating, but with a central cooler and one additional set of pumps().

A.the central cooling system, different
B.the central cooling system, the same
C.the open cooling system, different
D.the open cooling system, the same