单项选择题When separating fuel oil in oil separator, the separating quantity is() of the real quantity.




2.单项选择题One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()

A.seal water supply be cut off
B.make up water supply be cut off
C.oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficiently
D.the flow rate of oily water is too much

3.单项选择题When two oil separators are working in series, they should work with ()

A.both as clarifiers
B.first one as clarifiers, second one as purifier
C.both as purifiers
D.first one as purifier, second one as clarifier

4.单项选择题Concerning the management of sewage treatment plant using activated sludge, which of the following is correct?()

A.the plant should be prohibited to supplying air
B.the plant should work at intervals
C.the plant should be added disinfector in time
D.we should check strength of activated sludge, ivory-white color is best

5.单项选择题Disinfector in the sewage biological treatment plant usually is ()

A.chlorine water
C.hypo-calcium chloride
D.calcium oxide

6.单项选择题Before marine sewage treatment plant works () should be filled with fresh water.

A.deposition chamber
B.oxidation pool
C.disinfection chamber
D.all chamber

8.单项选择题When the incinerator is stopped, which of the following is wrong?()

A.After stopping supplying sludge oil, the value and pipe should be flushed by flushed by diesel oil and the incinerator continue burning for 10 minutes
B.Close auxiliary burner firstly and then close main burner
C.After stopping fuel, restoring the position of main fuel supply valve
D.Stop blower as soon as stopping supplying fuel oil

9.单项选择题Concerning the incinerator’s operation, which of the following is not correct?()

A.Scavenging time should be more 30 seconds before igniting
B.The temperature of sludge tank is 80~100℃
C.First igniting the incinerator with diesel oil, when the temperature of health is about 600℃, the sludge oil drawn in
D.The ash can be dumped into sea when the distance is more than 3 miles from land


To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed,which type of device listed should be used?()


The additional mark ()in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.


When does auxiliary burner of incinerator put into operation? ()Ⅰ. start incinerator when it is coldⅡ. the sludge for dealing with is littleⅢ. the sludge for dealing with is largeⅣ. the water and impurity in sludge are too muchⅤ. the temperature in incinerator is lowⅥ. dealing with little solid rubbish


Engine parameters shall be corresponded to NOx Technical Files. This is required by ()


By comparing the exhaust gas temperature of each cylinder, the operator can determine if the load is balanced throughout the engine. The device most commonly used is a()


Which of the following items don’t belong to dock repair works?()


The Port State Control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to these duties on the()


Refrigerant entering the compressor of a refrigeration system should be in which of the following conditions?()


During the diesel engine running, the water level of F.W expansion tank should normally kept in the () level of glass tube.


The condensers located in various stages of a flash evaporator are cooled by()
