单项选择题Concerning the incinerator’s operation, which of the following is not correct?()

A.Scavenging time should be more 30 seconds before igniting
B.The temperature of sludge tank is 80~100℃
C.First igniting the incinerator with diesel oil, when the temperature of health is about 600℃, the sludge oil drawn in
D.The ash can be dumped into sea when the distance is more than 3 miles from land



2.单项选择题Which of the following is wrong about operation of oily water separator?()

A.filled with clean water before operation
B.keep air cushion in oil collecting space during running
C.check oil level during running
D.clean inner separator with low pressure stream

3.单项选择题When oily water separator is operating, which measure () is wrong.

A.pay attention to operating parameters
B.renew and clean separating units in time
C.check oil level in separator to prevent overload
D.check separating effect, if it is bad, flush with large capacity water pump

4.单项选择题The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()

A.overhauling every two year
B.working at intervals
C.renewing filtration material
D.pumping bilge water from different layers respectively

5.单项选择题If separating effect is not good, which measure should be taken ()

A.working at intervals and properly heating
B.warming up to 70℃, increase water supply flow
C.improving impulse of water supply
D.reducing water supply flow

6.单项选择题If separating effect is not good, we can improve it by ()

A.flushing separator with hot water
B.increasing water supply flow
C.heat oily water properly
D.opening manual oil discharge value

7.单项选择题If found oil when we open low oil level plug of separator, it indicates ()

A.the separator is overload
B.the monitor equipment of separator fails
C.the discharge pump of separator can not work
D.the temperature of oil water is low

8.单项选择题After stopping oily water separator, sea water should be permitted for () minutes,()should be closed after stopping pump to reduce oxidation corrosion of inner wall.

A.15;inlet value
B.15;inlet and outlet value
C.30;inlet value
D.30;inlet and outlet value

9.单项选择题Before the oily water separator put into operation, it should be ()

A.filled with bilge water
B.filled with oil
C.filled with clean water
D.be emptied

10.单项选择题The time of discharging oil is short, but oily water separator discharges oil frequentlyThe possible reason is ()

A.the sensor of low oil level is fully covered by sludge
B.the coarse strainer before the pump in suction system is clogged
C.the screw pump is worn seriously and volumetric efficiency is decreased
D.bilge suction value is clogged