单项选择题When ship navigating in rough sea, the correct operation is ()

A.navigating with a low diesel engine speed
B.navigating with a stable diesel engine speed
C.increasing the efficiency of propeller
D.increasing fuel injection



1.单项选择题The load limitation of governor should be reduced when ship navigating at sea, the main reason is to()

A.prevent the diesel engine surging
B.prevent governor from being damaged because of swing
C.reduce the probability of the crank shaft being torsional vibrated and resonated
D.prevent the main engine being overload or overspeed

2.单项选择题When a ship is entering to narrow waterway and the fuel feeding of the main engine is keeping unchanged, which of the following is the wrong conclusion?()

A.the power of main engine will be reduced
B.exhaust temperature will be increased
C.the speed of the ship will be reduced
D.the propulsion characteristic of propeller will keep unchanged

5.单项选择题While sailing under normal weather and sea condition, the basic parameter which is used to restrict the fuel injection of main engine is ()

A.power of main engine
B.turbine rotation speed
C.speed of main engine
D.exhaust temperature

7.单项选择题When a ship is fully loaded, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().While a ship is fully empty, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().

C.over mechanical load;over thermal load
D.over torque;overspeed

8.单项选择题When ship is fouled, increasing the fuel injection for keeping the normal speed will cause the main engine ()

A.to work as overload characteristic
C.over mechanical load only
D.over thermal load only

9.单项选择题The fire of burning plastics is classified as () fire.

A.Class A
B.Class B
C.Class C
D.Class D

10.单项选择题The pistons are cooled by () oil from the forced lubrication.

A.being given
D.being supplied