单项选择题One function provided by a hydraulic accumulator is to()

A.provide an area where air can separate from the oil
B.provide an area to separate solid contaminants from the oil
C.act as an oil and water separator
D.absorb shocks occurring in the system



1.单项选择题A reservoir, as used in hydraulic systems aboard ship, is used to store hydraulic oilAnother function is to()

A.act as a shock absorber
B.maintain the stored oil under pressure
C.act as a base or foundation for the power unit
D.eliminate pressure surges in the system

2.单项选择题To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()

A.admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilation
B.reduce the air reheating system load
C.lower the compressor head pressure
D.operate the purge recovery unit continuously

3.单项选择题When air is at its dew point it is at its()

A.lowest absolute humidity
B.lowest relative humidity
C.highest absolute humidity
D.highest relative humidity

4.单项选择题If you find an extremely large refrigerant leak while using a halide torch, your flame will()

A.change from blue to orange
B.‘flare up’ and remain lighted
C.probably go out
D.stay blue

5.单项选择题Before charging a refrigeration unit, the refrigerant charging lines should be()

A.flushed with clean refrigerant oil
B.purged with the refrigerant
C.washed with an ammonia and alcohol solution
D.grounded to compressor

6.单项选择题In the presence of an open flame or hot surfaces, chlorinated fluorocarbon refrigerants decomposes and from ()

A.petroleum crystals
B.phosgene gas
C.water vapor
D.carbon monoxide

7.单项选择题In an operating refrigeration system low on refrigerant, a liquid line sight glass will()

A.be clear
B.be blue
C.be light green
D.show bubbles

8.单项选择题The thermal expansion valve reacts directly to the ()

A.temperature in the space being cooled
B.liquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valve
C.pressure drop across the evaporator coils
D.refrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet

9.单项选择题When transmitted by a reduction gear, diesel engine speed is reduced and the torque available for work ()

A.remains the same
B.is reduced
C.is increased
D.is eliminated

10.单项选择题Pitting in the area close to the pitch line and on the same end of each gear tooth of a reduction gear unit would be caused by ()

A.corrosion on the gears
B.excessive gear speed
C.dirt in the oil
D.misalignment of the gears