单项选择题Which of the listed failures, occurring in an automated diesel generator system, should cause an audible alarm at the engine room control station?()

A.Low cooling water outlet temperature
B.High lube oil pressure
C.Low lube oil temperature
D.Low starting air pressure



1.单项选择题A diesel engine may be hard to start if the ()

A.air intake is restricted
B.engine is cranked too fast
C.vibration dampener is faulty
D.exhaust back pressure is low

2.单项选择题If a diesel engine rotates slowly when cranked, but does not fire, the()

A.fuel control rack had admitted excessive fuel
B.engine speed does not match the fuel rack setting
C.engine has failed to reach its firing speed
D.starter pinion and ring gear contact is not correct

3.单项选择题When starting air is admitted, a diesel engine turns over very slowly without firingThe cause may be ()

A.an obstruction in an cylinder
B.water accumulation in some engine cylinders
C.low starting air pressure
D.low scavenge air pressure

4.单项选择题Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine indicates()

A.proper fuel injection
B.water in the fuel
C.incomplete combustion
D.burning of lube oil

5.单项选择题Engine operating conditions may be indicated by the color of the exhaust smoke.Black smoke could indicate()

A.an insufficient speed droop setting
B.an overloaded engine
C.clogged drain holes in the oil control rings
D.complete combustion

6.单项选择题A dark exhaust from a running diesel engine can be caused by ()

A.late ignition
B.water in the fuel
C.high compression temperature
D.starting valve stuck open

8.单项选择题Combustion knock will most likely occur as a result of using a fuel with()

A.low ignition quality
B.a high volatility
C.low ignition delay
D.a high cetane number

9.单项选择题High exhaust temperatures from all of cylinder of a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine can be caused by an()

A.inoperative turbocharger
B.inadequate fuel supply
C.overload on one cylinder
D.unequal load distribution

10.单项选择题One of the factors limiting the amount of load which can be put on a modern marine diesel engine is the ()

A.governor sensitivity
B.exhaust temperature
C.fuel injection pressure
D.speed of the can shaft