单项选择题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine may be made easier by()

A.decreasing the compression ratio
B.using a special fuel having a high ignition temperature
C.increasing the starting air supply
D.heating the jacket water



1.单项选择题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()

A.increasing the quantity of starting air
B.increasing the lube oil pressure
C.heating the engine fuel supply
D.heating the engine coolant

2.单项选择题The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw water sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normalWhich of the following problems is most likely the cause?()

A.Faulty thermostatic bypass valve
B.Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchanger
C.Steam formation in the expansion tank
D.Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seal

4.单项选择题Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled by heat()

A.conducted through the engine block
B.conducted to water cooled cylinder walls
C.conducted through the piston crown
D.loss to escaping exhaust gases

5.单项选择题As soon as a diesel engine has started, which of the listed engine operating parameters should be checked FIRST?()

A.Exhaust temperatures
B.Raw water pressure
C.Lube oil pressure
D.Air box pressure

6.单项选择题The connecting rod is fitted between the crosshead and the crankshaftI t transmits the firing force, and together with the crankshaft converts the ()motion to a ()motion.

B.up and down;fore and aft
C.fore and aft;up and down
D.up and down;rotary

7.单项选择题The intake ports of a two-strike/cycle diesel engine are opened and closed by the action of the ()

B.piston movement
C.exhaust valves
D.vertical drive

8.单项选择题Valves in the cylinder head of a diesel engine are opened by the direct action of the()

A.exhaust pressure
B.valve spring pressure
C.rocker arm movement
D.wrist pin movement

9.单项选择题On a large diesel engine installation, crankshaft axial alignment is maintained by the ()

A.piston rod guides
B.engine thrust bearing
C.crosshead bearing
D.main shaft flexible coupling

10.单项选择题A piston is said to be at top dead center when it is ()

A.opening the exhaust ports
B.placed on top of the engine along its centerline
C.farthest from the cylinder head
D.nearest to the cylinder head