单项选择题In a main propulsion turbocharged diesel engine, the speed of the turbocharger varies according to the ()

A.governor droop
B.speeder spring tension
C.fuel rack lag
D.load on the engine



1.单项选择题If you notice smoke coming fro the crankcase exhaust fan outlet of an operating diesel engine, you would suspect()

A.a cracked cylinder liner
B.clogged intake ports
C.broken piston rings
D.a faulty head gasket

2.单项选择题When restarting a heavy fuel diesel engine that has been stopped for some time, the engine should()

A.increase the starting air pressure
B.use a higher than normal cranking speed
C.increase the fuel injection pressure
D.use a fuel having a lower ignition temperature

3.单项选择题Water accumulation in the cylinder of a secured engine is an indication that the ()

A.soft water pump was not secured along with the engine
B.jacket water thermostat has failed
C.cylinder liner may be cracked
D.raw water pump is over-speeding just prior to engine shutdown

4.单项选择题If a diesel engine turned over at normal cranking speed but failed to start, the cause could be late fuel injection or ()

A.excessive fuel pressure
B.high lube oil viscosity
C.inadequate fuel injection
D.excessive starting air pressure

5.单项选择题A bronze bearing liner with a lead-tin flashing has a milky-white color over most of its surface and some areas of exposed bronze, the white coloring indicates()

A.proper break-in wear
B.improper break-in wear
C.relocation of the overlay flashing
D.water contamination of the lube oil system

6.单项选择题If a diesel engine turned over freely but failed to start, the cause could be ()

A.water in the fuel
B.cold lube oil
C.excessive starting air pressure
D.excessive fuel pressure

7.单项选择题If it becomes necessary to cutout an individual cylinder of a large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, the fuel to that cylinder should be secured and its ()

A.fuel pump should be removed and all connections blanked off
B.cylinder oil feed rate should be increased slightly above that used at normal sea speed
C.cylinder oil feed rate should be reduced
D.cylinder oil feed rate should be increased to the maximum flow capable of the metering pump

8.单项选择题The satisfactory operation of diesel engine exhaust valves usually depends on()

A.the proper back pressure
B.the cooling water temperature
C.correct timing and proper seating
D.accurate metering and the exhaust temperature

9.单项选择题If an auxiliary diesel engine frequently stalls, the trouble may be caused by ()

A.low exhaust back pressure
B.air in the fuel system
C.gasket blow-by or leakage
D.incorrect assembly of idler springs