单项选择题Which of the following reasons represents why the designed compression ratio of a gasoline engine is lower than that of a diesel engine?()

A.compression must be low for effective spark ignition
B.compression must be low for required horsepower and torque generation
C.compression must be low to prevent pre-ignition
D.compression must be low to have effective pre-ignition



1.单项选择题The exhaust system of a diesel engine is usually designed to remove exhaust gases and to ()

A.provide exhaust back pressure
B.prevent exhaust smoke emissions
C.power a reciprocating supercharger
D.muffle exhaust gas noise

2.单项选择题Which of the conditions listed could cause the cylinder relief valves on a large, low-speed, propulsion diesel engine to lift?()

A.Plugged injector nozzles
B.Excessive fuel injection
C.Very late injection timing
D.Incorrect crankshaft clearance

3.单项选择题If you were inspecting the valve springs on an auxiliary diesel engine, your best indication of impending spring failure would be ()

A.a glazed surface on the spring
B.nicks in the protective coating
C.a build up of sludge deposits
D.cracks in the surface of the spring

4.单项选择题Which of the routine maintenance procedure listed is required for starting air receivers?()

A.Frequent draining of accumulated moisture
B.Frequent testing of relief valves
C.A close watch on temperature to prevent fluctuations in pressure
D.Frequent cleaning to re move oil and foreign matter

5.单项选择题Which of the routine maintenance procedures listed is required for starting air receivers?()

C.low exhaust temperature
D.high crankcase pressure

6.单项选择题A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be reversedPrior to the admission of starting air you must ()

A.line up the engine fore restarting with light diesel oil
B.reposition the fuel injection cam
C.change the intake and exhaust valve cam positions
D.place the starting cam in the intermediate position

7.单项选择题Which of the listed conditions can cause lacquer to be deposited on a piston skirt?()

A.High sulphur content fuel
B.High lube oil temperatures
C.High vanadium content fuel
D.Excessive piston slap

8.单项选择题Reducing the clearance between a valve stem and rocker arm will result in the valve ()

A.having a shorter duration of opening
B.having a longer duration of opening
C.closing sooner
D.opening later

9.单项选择题If you increase the clearance between a valve stem and rocker arm, which of the listed condition will occur?()

A.valve will open later
B.valves will close later
C.amount of fuel injected will be increased
D.amount of fuel injected will be decreased

10.单项选择题A drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()

A.a leaking fuel injection nozzle
B.a clogged air filter
C.early fuel injection
D.burned valves