单项选择题Pyrometers commonly found on diesel engine exhaust systems, consist of()

A.pyrostats and a voltmeter
B.a gas-filled bellows, a tube and a pressure gauge
C.thermocouples and a voltmeter
D.ammeters and thermocouples



1.单项选择题Low compression in a diesel engine can be caused by ()

A.clogged coolant passages
B.a leaking cylinder head gasket
C.low fuel oil pressure
D.worn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

2.单项选择题In a four-stroke cycle diesel engine the intake valves open ()

A.before TDC and close after BDC
B.after TDC and close after BDC
C.before TDC and close before BDC
D.after TDC and close before BDC

3.单项选择题Diesel engine air start system check valves are opened by ()

A.an air start cam
B.cylinder compression pressure
C.starting air pressure
D.valve springs

4.单项选择题For a diesel engine, individual cylinder performance is commonly determined by exhaust gas()

A.chemical analysis
B.back pressure readings
C.pyrometer readings
D.infrared analysis

5.单项选择题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine may be the result of ()

A.insufficient fuel supply due to fuel pump valves sticking or leaking
B.excessive mechanical clearance between the piston crown and cylinder head
C.excessively worn fuel pump plunger
D.excessive exhaust back pressure

6.单项选择题Exhaust gas pyrometers are useful for()

A.detecting faulty combustion in individual cylinders
B.adjusting fuel racks to maintain equal loading between cylinders
C.adjusting the load limit setting of the governor at idle conditions
D.calculating engine horsepower

7.单项选择题A connecting rod in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is subject to()

A.tension load twice each crankshaft revolution
B.compression load during power and compression strokes
C.inertia load once every four crankshaft revolutions
D.bending loads at bottom and top dead center

8.单项选择题Thermocouple pyrometers are used on large, main propulsion diesel engines to indicate the temperature of the()

A.cooling water leaving each cylinder
B.fuel oil entering the injector
C.exhaust gases at various locations
D.lube oil at the bearing supplies

9.单项选择题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine is caused by()

A.low water in the expansion tank
B.improperly seated valves
C.low fuel oil pressure
D.worn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

10.单项选择题A pyrometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature of the diesel engine()

B.fuel oil
C.cooling water
D.cylinder liner


()are used to digest the sewage to produce innocuous sludge in a biological sewage treatment plant.


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To proceed to the assistance of a ship in distress is()


When does auxiliary burner of incinerator put into operation? ()Ⅰ. start incinerator when it is coldⅡ. the sludge for dealing with is littleⅢ. the sludge for dealing with is largeⅣ. the water and impurity in sludge are too muchⅤ. the temperature in incinerator is lowⅥ. dealing with little solid rubbish


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Which one is NOT the ‘clear grounds’ for a more detailed inspection?()


Thermostatic steam pressure reducing valves are used in the fuel oil service system to control the()
