单项选择题Which of the following statements is true concerning the cetane number of diesel fuel?()

A.The cetane number affects the amount of injection lag
B.The cetane number is an indication of the fuels viscosity
C.Ignition lag is reduced with fuels having a high cetane number
D.The cetane number is of little significance in the combustion process



1.单项选择题Fuel oil having a low cetane rating could result in()

A.improved cold weather starting
B.excessive fuel oil consumption
C.reduced ignition lag
D.smoother engine operation

2.单项选择题The ignition quality of a fuel oil is an important operational consideration because it()

A.indicates the amount of abrasive material in the fuel
B.affects the starting ability of a cold engine
C.determines the amount of fuel penetration engine
D.affects the compression ratio of an operating engine

3.单项选择题On a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine, lower main bearing wear is usually measured by using a/an ()

A.dial indicator
B.outside caliper
C.bridge gauge
D.tram rod

5.单项选择题The ignition quality of a diesel fuel is indicated by the ()

A.cetane number
B.volatility point
C.viscosity index
D.octane number

6.单项选择题The ignition quality of a diesel fuel oil is indicated by the ()

A.specific gravity
B.cetane number
D.calorific valve

7.单项选择题Which of the following conditions could contribute to the cracking of a diesel engine cylinder head?()

A.Leaking seal ring
B.Insufficient heat transfer from the exhaust valves
C.Block cooling water passages to the head
D.Excessive scavenging air provided to the engine

8.单项选择题The cetane rating of diesel fuel is an indication of the()

A.ignition quality of the fuel
B.calorific value of the fuel
C.flash point of the fuel
D.rate of fuel consumption

9.单项选择题The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its()

B.acid content
C.heating value
D.ignition quality

10.单项选择题Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?()

B.Sulfur content
C.Pour point
D.Cetane number


As soon as a diesel engine has started, which of the listed engine operating parameters should be checked FIRST?()


Which of the listed governor characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing relationship between paralleled diesel generators?()


To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed,which type of device listed should be used?()


One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()


During the diesel engine running, the water level of F.W expansion tank should normally kept in the () level of glass tube.


The main purpose of port State control is not to()


When does auxiliary burner of incinerator put into operation? ()Ⅰ. start incinerator when it is coldⅡ. the sludge for dealing with is littleⅢ. the sludge for dealing with is largeⅣ. the water and impurity in sludge are too muchⅤ. the temperature in incinerator is lowⅥ. dealing with little solid rubbish


Flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can from a/an ()


Which of the following items don’t belong to dock repair works?()


The additional mark ()in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.
