单项选择题Why will a turbocharger diesel engine produce black smoke if excessive additional load is applied too quickly?()

A.Exhaust energy would draw excess air
B.The inertia of the turbocharger rotor causes a time lag which delays the turbocharger speed increase
C.Exhaust gas pumping losses are increased due to turbine windage
D.Exhaust gas back pressure falls slightly due to increased nozzle action



1.单项选择题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due to()

A.use of low viscosity oil in cold weather
B.increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weather
C.increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosity
D.higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

2.单项选择题The ignition quality of diesel fuel is indicated by its()

A.octane number
B.cetane number
C.viscosity in Saybolt seconds
D.air fuel ratio

3.单项选择题Which of the following conditions may be attributed to a fouled turbocharger compressor inlet screen or filter?()

A.Decreasing scavenge air pressure
B.Increasing exhaust temperatures before the turbine
C.Reduction in engine speed
D.All of the above

4.单项选择题The rate of wear on a cylinder liner depends on the ()

A.quality of air filtration
B.effectiveness of lubrication
C.type of fuel used
D.all of the above

5.单项选择题In diesel engineering practice, the term used to express the ignition quality of a particular fuel is()

A.cetane number
B.octane number
C.ignition index number
D.volatility point

6.单项选择题The cetane number rates fuels for diesel engines according to its ()

A.antiknock characteristics
B.ignition qualities
C.rates of vaporization

7.单项选择题Diesel engine starting difficulties due to cold intake air temperatures, can be overcome by using a/an()

A.increase in starting air pressure
B.increase in lube oil viscosity
C.compression expansion device
D.jacket water heater

8.单项选择题The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()

A.corrosion and grooving of exhaust valves
B.corrosion and gumming of the fuel injection pump
C.salt deposits in the exhaust manifold
D.slag deposits in the fuel injection equipment

9.单项选择题The consistent burning of fuel oil with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will result in ()

A.clogged fuel injection pumps
B.increased cylinder liner wear
C.intake valve stem corrosion
D.varnish deposit on pistons

10.单项选择题Which of the following problems may occur when using fuel oil with a high sulphur content?()

A.Injection lag
B.Lube oil dilution