单项选择题The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually()

A.greater than the average exhaust manifold pressure
B.less than the average exhaust manifold pressure
C.greater at the turbine wheel than at the impeller
D.greater at reduced engine speed



1.单项选择题A sudden decrease in the diesel engine lube oil viscosity could be an indication of()

A.loss of additives from the lube oil
B.carbon deposits in the lube oil
C.excessive centrifuging
D.excessive fuel dilution

2.单项选择题Dirt lodged on the nozzle valve seat of a fuel injection nozzle will cause()

A.erosion and cratering of the nozzle orifices
B.fuel leakage into the nozzle drain line
C.fuel leakage before and after injection
D.insufficient fuel delivery though that nozzle

3.单项选择题Diesel engine cylinder head test cocks are used to ()

A.check cylinder lubrication
B.connect the pressure indicator pressure
C.test cylinder heads
D.connect the exhaust gas pyrometers

4.单项选择题Which of the following statements is correct regarding a turbocharged four-stroke/cycle diesel generator?()

A.At zero load the intake manifold pressure is greater than the exhaust manifold pressure
B.At full load the intake manifold pressure and exhaust manifold pressure are equal
C.At full load the intake manifold pressure is less than the exhaust manifold pressure
D.At full load the intake manifold pressure is greater than the exhaust manifold pressure

5.单项选择题Lubricating oil viscosity in an operating diesel engine can be reduced by()

A.increasing cooling water flow
B.increasing lube oil flow
C.dilution by fuel oil
D.adding SAE 70 oil

6.单项选择题A defective injector nozzle in a propulsion diesel engine can cause()

A.engine power losses
B.smoking due to unburned fuel
C.high exhaust temperature readings
D.all of the above

7.单项选择题The major cause of problems occurring with fuel injection equipment is()

A.incorrect replacement of barrels and plungers of jerk pumps
B.overheating of the nozzle orifices
C.cracked pump housings
D.dirt in the fuel

9.单项选择题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles on small high-speed diesel engines, can be prevented by()

A.employing fuel oil as a cooling medium
B.preventing hard carbon deposit on nozzle tips
C.avoiding fuel oil temperature exceeding builder’s specification
D.ensuring good metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder heads

10.单项选择题One of the advantages in the use of a dry liner over a wet liner is()

A.it is fitted with neoprene O-ring seals
B.the honing process makes it easier to maintain the desired oil film
C.there is likelihood of water leaking into the combustion space
D.it fits more loosely due to a decrease in heat transfer through the composite wall