单项选择题By far the greatest item of maintenance of the reciprocating air compressors concerns ().

A.the lubrication
B.the cooling
C.the moisture separation
D.the valves



1.单项选择题A compressor should never be stopped ().

A.without first cooling it
B.without first heating it
C.without first unloading it
D.without first loading it

3.单项选择题During compressors running the accumulated moisture in the separators must be ().

A.drained off
C.sent to the crankcases
D.separated with oil

4.单项选择题By far the greatest use is for diesel engine starting using air pressure of 25 bar or more provided by ().

A.rotary compressors
B.reciprocating compressors
C.centrifugal compressors
D.screw compressors

5.单项选择题Compressed air is used on board ship for all the following purposes except ().

A.starting diesel engines
B.pneumatic control systems
C.pneumatic tools
D.supercharging air

8.单项选择题Explosions do occur () caused by the ignition of oil or vapour gaining access from compressors or defective engine starting valves.

A.in boiler drums
B.in refrigerating plants
C.in starting air pipes
D.in air coolers

9.单项选择题Air reservoirs are designed, built and tested similarly to ().

A.boiler drums
B.hot wells

10.单项选择题The air reservoirs must have () fitted to prevent rupture in the event of fire.

A.high pressure alarm
B.fire alarm
D.fusible plugs