单项选择题You are in charge of a towing vessel that operates exclusively on inland waters. You regularly tow barges that provide services (cargo lighters,fuel barges,etc.) to foreign flag vessels in port. What will be accepted as proper credentials for you and your crew? ()

A.No credentials are required since you operate on inland waters only
B.Social Security card
C.State driver's license with photo ID
D.Merchant Mariner's Document



1.单项选择题You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the allowable limit. What action should you take? ()

A.Cut in another IG fan to increase gas flow
B.Open the pressure control valve until the pressure increases
C.Open the tank isolation valve to the fully open position
D.Reduce the pumping rate

2.单项选择题You are cleaning the tanks after carrying a cargo of crude oil. Which statement is TRUE? ()

A.Washing water should be recirculated if possible because it has the same electric potential as the cargo tank being cleaned
B.The hoses to portable cleaning machines should be disconnected before the machines are removed from the tank
C.The principal hazard with steaming cargo tanks is raising the ambient temperature above the flame point of the cargo residue
D.Steam cleaning and water washing are both capable of generating electrostatic charges within a tank

3.单项选择题You are carrying triethylamine,methyl methacrylate and isoprene in your multiple-product tanker. Which of the following statements is true? ()

A.Isoprene may be carried in a cargo tank adjacent to either of the other two cargoes
B.Methyl methacrylate may not be carried in a tank adjacent to a pump room
C.Methyl methacrylate must usually be heated to maintain its stability
D.Portable thermometers are not permitted to be used to take the cargo temperature of triethylamine

4.单项选择题You are carrying cargoes of crotonaldehyde,phosphoric acid,and morpholine on your multiple-product tanker. Which of the following statements is TRUE? ()

A.Each of the cargoes must be segregated from the other by at least two barriers
B.The minimum protective clothing required for taking samples of phosphoric acid is goggles or a face shield
C.Aluminum,copper,and zinc are prohibited in all valve parts in contact with these cargoes
D.The required warning sign must have the legend "cancer hazard" added to it

5.单项选择题You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag “J” hoisted. What should you do?()

A.Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargo
B.Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicate
C.Approach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchor
D.Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug

6.单项选择题With a given load on the cargo hook,the thrust on a cargo boom().

A.increases as the angle to the horizontal increases
B.increases as the angle to the horizontal decreases
C.is greatest at an angle of 45° and decreases as the boom is raised or lowered
D.is least at an angle of 45° and increases as the boom is raised or lowered

7.单项选择题With a given load on the cargo hook,tension in a single span topping lift().

A.increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal increases
B.is at a maximum when the boom is at a 45° angle to the horizontal
C.increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreases
D.decreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreases

8.单项选择题Why is gas-freeing rarely required for LPG cargo tanks? ()

A.LPG is compatible with all cargos
B.LPG's high oxygen content makes it nonvolatile
C.Cargo tanks are inspected less frequently than on oil tankers
D.The cargo tanks are used for one type of cargo only

9.单项选择题Why are most break bulk vessels built with the transverse framing system rather than the longitudinal system? ()

A.The transverse system is more resistant to hog and sag stresses
B.The numerous longitudinal frames cause excessive broken stowage
C.The transverse system provides better support to the varying cargo densities on a break bulk vessel
D.The deep web frames interfere with the stowage of break bulk cargo

10.单项选择题While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?()

A.Notify the engineroom of the need for propulsion
B.Shut down any cargo transfer that's in progress
C.Let go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chain
D.Obtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out