单项选择题Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().

A.has the full force of the regular Certificate of Inspection
B.expires six months after it is issued
C.must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 months
D.is retained in the custody of the Master



1.单项选择题How could lashing gear used aboard Ro-Ro vessels be stowed when not in use? ()

A.Drape along brackets
B.Leave in place while back loading cargo to save time
C.Hang vertically in the paint locker
D.All of the above

2.单项选择题A head-on situation at night is one in which you see dead ahead a vessel showing().

A.one sidelight
B.one sidelight and a masthead light
C.one sidelight and two masthead lights
D.both sidelights of a vessel and her masthead light(s)

3.单项选择题Permanent magnetism is caused by().

A.operation of electrical equipment and generators on board ship
B.the earth's magnetic field affecting the ship's hard iron during construction
C.the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the horizontal soft iron
D.the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the vertical soft iron

4.单项选择题A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ().

A.comes over the bow
B.blows the fire back toward the vessel
C.comes over the stern
D.comes over either beam

5.单项选择题An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to().

A.aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
B.increase the rate of discharge of cargo
C.force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphere
D.lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks,making explosion nearly impossible

7.单项选择题A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().

A.remain on course and hold speed
B.remain on course but slack the speed
C.change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed
D.change course and put the stern to the wind

10.单项选择题Entries should be made in a Ro-Ro vessel’s cargo-securing device record book for().

A.procedures for accepting cargo securing devices
B.procedures for maintaining and repairing cargo-securing devices
C.record of cargo securing device inspections
D.All of the above