
A new report says the growing population around the world is harming the environment. More people are using more of the Earth’s natural resources than ever before. Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most in the future unless environmental damage is stopped. They say more should be done to balance human and environmental needs. The United Nations Population Fund is responsible for studying population growth. It released the report about the subject. It examines the links among environmental conditions, population growth and efforts to help poor people in developing countries. The world population is now more than 6,000 million people. That number has increased by 100% since 1960. The population is expected to increase to more than 9,000 million by the year 2050. The report says about 2,000 million people lack food security. Water supplies and agricultural lands are heavily used. In 50 years, experts say more than 4,000 million people will be living in countries that can not meet people’s daily needs. The report says all of the expected growth in world population will take place in developing countries. The 49 least developed countries are expected to increase by almost 200% in 50 years. Yet, the U-N agency says people in the richest countries use much more of the world’s resources than people in developing countries. It says a child born today in the United States, France or Japan will do more harm to the environment during his lifetime than as many as 50 children born in developing countries. The U-N Population Fund says international policies need to be put into effect to improve poor conditions, increase social development and ease pressure on the environment. It also says women need more control over their lives. It says empowering women would lead to smaller families and slower population growth. The U-N Population Fund says these measures would help improve the well being of growing populations while protecting the natural world.

Who should be given more power in order to have slower population growth




Sigmund Freud is a key figure in the history of psychology. His contributions to personality theory still dominate contemporary theory about the human personality. Once Freud told a story about an incident in his private practice. As a certain patient left the office after the appointment with Freud, he said, "I’ll pay you later, Dr. Freud. Oh, that is, I’ll pay you later. "Freud said that the seemingly accidental ship of the tongue revealed an unconscious intention. The man did not want to pay Freud for his service and was only "playing" with him. The patient never paid his bill. The story reveals some important things about both Freud and his theories. Although Freud was in private practice, his primary interest was not money. He was interested in theory and would have preferred, an academic post. He had difficulties because of the fact that he was a Jew, and private practice was a second-best alternative. The story also illustrates the fact that Freud was a determinist. That is, he believed everything is caused. Even seemingly careless errors such as slips of the tongue have a meaning which suggests that the motive exists outside of the center of consciousness. This is a central concept of Freudian theory-unconscious motives. And people do not always know why they do and what they do.

What did Freud think about one of his patients’ remarks "I’ll pay you later, Dr. Freud."()

A.He was joking with Freud.
B.He played in Freud’s office.
C.He unconsciously revealed his intention of refusing to pay.
D.He only made his empty promise to Freud.


There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is reared. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable. The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor education al opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.

This passage suggests that an individual’s I.Q.().

A.can be predicted at birth
B.stays the same throughout his life
C.can be increased by education
D.is determined by his childhood


M: I think that intermarriage is a good idea. After all, we are living in a cosmopolitan country. We have so many different races living together peacefully, don’t we It is nothing new to us, and I feel that intermarriage will work out. W: Personally, I feel that it is not a very sound idea. It is difficult for two people of entirely different religions to live and share a life together. They will face so many problems that it would be better if they don’t get married in the first place. M: Of course there will be problems. Even two people of the same religion have problems. It is the same in this case, except that it will be slightly more difficult, I guess. W: I agree with you, Henry. Naturally, there will be arguments and personal differences. Marriage thrives on a give-and-take policy, so a couple will have to learn to adapt to each other’s customs and traditions. M: That’s right. Married people should be more tolerant towards each other and be willing to learn about each other’s religion. Only then can understanding and acceptance be achieved ultimately. W: You talk as if it were very simple. It isn’t, you know. I should know, as I am a child of a mixed marriage. M: All right, you tell us why it is not such a good idea. W: You see, Henry, it depends on the individuals concerned. If two people of different religions marry, they should be prepared for the consequences. It is only after marriage that the vast differences in the cultures begin to show. Little things, from food and clothes to bigger aspects like religious beliefs, tend to clash, leading eventually to a rift. Besides, this will be either personal pride or the reluctance to accept the other’s views. It may lead to a big gap between the parents, and their children may suffer a lot in between. M: You have a point there, but I can also tell you of several such couples who are living happily together. W: I suppose that you are right. Intermarriage can lead to happiness or sorrow, depending on how it is handled.

What negative effects may the intermarriage most probably cause()

A.A quick divorce
B.Cultural shock
C.A big gap between parents and children
D.Much suffering in children’s minds


Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers learning the language. It is also the variety which is normally (21) by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other (22) situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has (23) in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial (24) ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants. (25) , the standard variety of English is based on the London (26) of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one (27) by the educated, and it was developed and promoted (28) a model, or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. It was also the (29) that was carried overseas, but not one unaffected by such export. Today, (30) English is arranged to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary of English are (31) the same everywhere in the world where English is used; (32) among local standards is really quite minor, (33) the Singapore, South Africa, and Irish varieties are really very (34) different from one another so far as grammar and vocabulary are (35) . Indeed, Standard English is so powerful that it exerts a tremendous (36) on all local varieties, to the extent that many of long-established dialects of England have (37) much of their vigor and there is considerable pressure on them to be (38) . This latter situation ig not unique (39) English: it is also true in other countries where processes of standardization are (40) . But it sometimes creates problems for speakers who try to strike some kind of compromise between local norms and national, even supranational (跨国的) ones.




A new report says the growing population around the world is harming the environment. More people are using more of the Earth’s natural resources than ever before. Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most in the future unless environmental damage is stopped. They say more should be done to balance human and environmental needs. The United Nations Population Fund is responsible for studying population growth. It released the report about the subject. It examines the links among environmental conditions, population growth and efforts to help poor people in developing countries. The world population is now more than 6,000 million people. That number has increased by 100% since 1960. The population is expected to increase to more than 9,000 million by the year 2050. The report says about 2,000 million people lack food security. Water supplies and agricultural lands are heavily used. In 50 years, experts say more than 4,000 million people will be living in countries that can not meet people’s daily needs. The report says all of the expected growth in world population will take place in developing countries. The 49 least developed countries are expected to increase by almost 200% in 50 years. Yet, the U-N agency says people in the richest countries use much more of the world’s resources than people in developing countries. It says a child born today in the United States, France or Japan will do more harm to the environment during his lifetime than as many as 50 children born in developing countries. The U-N Population Fund says international policies need to be put into effect to improve poor conditions, increase social development and ease pressure on the environment. It also says women need more control over their lives. It says empowering women would lead to smaller families and slower population growth. The U-N Population Fund says these measures would help improve the well being of growing populations while protecting the natural world.

Who will do more harm to the environment, the Chinese or the Japanese

the Japanese


Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers learning the language. It is also the variety which is normally (21) by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other (22) situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has (23) in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial (24) ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants. (25) , the standard variety of English is based on the London (26) of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one (27) by the educated, and it was developed and promoted (28) a model, or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. It was also the (29) that was carried overseas, but not one unaffected by such export. Today, (30) English is arranged to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary of English are (31) the same everywhere in the world where English is used; (32) among local standards is really quite minor, (33) the Singapore, South Africa, and Irish varieties are really very (34) different from one another so far as grammar and vocabulary are (35) . Indeed, Standard English is so powerful that it exerts a tremendous (36) on all local varieties, to the extent that many of long-established dialects of England have (37) much of their vigor and there is considerable pressure on them to be (38) . This latter situation ig not unique (39) English: it is also true in other countries where processes of standardization are (40) . But it sometimes creates problems for speakers who try to strike some kind of compromise between local norms and national, even supranational (跨国的) ones.




There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is reared. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable. The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor education al opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.

According to the passage, the average I.Q. is ().
