
M: Did you take these pictures They are very good.
W: Yes, I think they turned out very well too. I like to bring my camera with me wherever I go. That’s way if I see something attractive I can take a picture of it.
M: Carrying a big camera around is too much trouble for me.
W: My camera is really small enough. Here let me show you.
M: That is a compact camera. But you must know a lot about photography to get such professional looking results.
W: Not necessarily. This camera is simple to work. It has an automatic focus. I don’t even have to worry about focusing.
M: That’s what I need. When I take pictures, they usually come out blurry because I don’t adjust the lenses properly. And I hate photos that are out of focus. Is a camera like yours very expensive
W: Less than you’d expect. Why don’t you check the prices that Head Fields demonstrates This model was on sale there last week.
M: I think I will. It certainly won’t hurt to take a look.

What are the speakers doing as the conversation begins().

A. Looking at some photographs.
B. Selling cameras.
C. Teaching a photography class.
D. Repairing camera equipment.




W: We are going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.
M: It’s all the same to me.

What can we infer from the conversation().

A. The man won’t have the meeting.
B. The man will go to the meeting whether the time is changed or not.
C. The man will go for a meeting any day.
D. Any meeting is the same to the man.