填空题Technological invention has directly or indirectly produced social change in every period of history. The invention of the horse collar in the Middle Ages was a (36) technological advance for agriculture; the (37) for use at sea so (38) navigation in the fifteenth century that it led in the age of (39) ; and the steam engine was an (40) factor in the industrialization of Europe in the nineteenth century. A discovery is another kind of technological (41) . While inventions add something new to a culture, discoveries increase our knowledge of something that already exists. Gravity had always been there, but Newton "discovered" it: be (42) how this natural force worked and how its laws (43) to falling bodies. This knowledge made possible many new inventions. (44) . Since each invention makes more inventions possible, the speed of technological development tends to accelerate. Benjamin Franklin experimented with electricity in the eighteenth century, (45) . In the hundred years since Edison invented the light bulb, the discovery of electricity has led to tens of thousands of inventions, from the internal burning engine to the computer. (46) pose some of tile greatest challenges of our time.



1.单项选择题Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A.Go to the football match with the woman.
B.Ask the woman to help him do his assignment.
C.Finish the last two chapters of his history assignment.
D.Take part in the football match.


A.A customer.
B.A travel agent.
C.A bank clerk.
D.A passenger.


A.New York City.
C.Silver, South Carolina.


A.At a television studio.
B.On a radio program.
C.In a job interview.
D.In a factory.

5.单项选择题Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A.English settlers.
B.Native farmers, herdsmen and hunters.
C.Missionaries, civil servants and professional people.
D.German settlers.



参考答案:backward-opening pouch
参考答案:her own digestive system