填空题Well-developed senses of vision and direction and strong forelimbs enable the joey to make its way from the birth canal to the pouch completely unaided.



参考答案:Model Essay One My First Formal Soccer Match Thoug...
6.单项选择题From the second paragraph, we learn that the writer of the passage______.

A.does not suspect the ,truth of any ideologies
B.does not think that the adoption of any ideology could prevent war
C.is an adherent of some modern ideologies
D.believes that the adoption of some ideologies could prevent war

7.单项选择题It can be implied from the passage that war is at present______.

A.as necessary as in the past
B.as bad as in the past
C.worse than in the past
D.not so dangerous as in the past

8.单项选择题The last paragraph suggests that______.

A.international agreements can be reached more easily now
B.world opinion welcomes nuclear war
C.man begins to realize the danger of nuclear war
D.nuclear war will definitely not take place

9.单项选择题According to the writer, the only way to abolish war is to______.

A.solve international disputes through negotiation
B.improve the chemical weapons
C.prevent from producing nuclear weapons
D.let the powerful nations manage the world

10.单项选择题According to the passage, the writer thinks that______.

A.war is the only way to solve international disputes
B.war will be, less dangerous because, of the improvement of weapons
C.war must be abolished if man wants to survive
D.it is impossible for people to live without war