填空题The age of the female and the quality of the habitat are two major factors affecting a female koala’s reproduction.



1.单项选择题From the second paragraph, we learn that the writer of the passage______.

A.does not suspect the ,truth of any ideologies
B.does not think that the adoption of any ideology could prevent war
C.is an adherent of some modern ideologies
D.believes that the adoption of some ideologies could prevent war

2.单项选择题It can be implied from the passage that war is at present______.

A.as necessary as in the past
B.as bad as in the past
C.worse than in the past
D.not so dangerous as in the past

3.单项选择题The last paragraph suggests that______.

A.international agreements can be reached more easily now
B.world opinion welcomes nuclear war
C.man begins to realize the danger of nuclear war
D.nuclear war will definitely not take place

4.单项选择题According to the writer, the only way to abolish war is to______.

A.solve international disputes through negotiation
B.improve the chemical weapons
C.prevent from producing nuclear weapons
D.let the powerful nations manage the world

5.单项选择题According to the passage, the writer thinks that______.

A.war is the only way to solve international disputes
B.war will be, less dangerous because, of the improvement of weapons
C.war must be abolished if man wants to survive
D.it is impossible for people to live without war

6.单项选择题It can be concluded from the passage that the author______.

A.loves football only
B.hates baseball
C.loves various sports
D.likes baseball

7.单项选择题What would those who dislike baseball complain

A.It is only to the taste of the old.
B.It is pretentious and looks funny.
C.It's not exciting enough.
D.It's too difficult to play.

8.单项选择题According to the passage, the author probably accepts that______.

A.baseball is more appealing than football
B.baseball is too peaceful for the young
C.baseball is more interesting than football
D.baseball may seem boring on TV

9.单项选择题What can we lifter from the passage

A.Baseball is the most boring and quiet sport.
B.The author has some knowledge ,about baseball.
C.Baseball is the same as chamber music.
D.The author prefers watching baseball game to playing it.

10.单项选择题What does the author mean by saying "I could have had my eyes closed"(Para. 4)

A.The third baseman would rather sleep than play the game.
B.The third baseman could achieve the success with his eyes closed.
C.It makes no difference to the result even if the third baseman closed his eyes.
D.The third baseman was so excited to see the good result.