单项选择题Wisdom in old age depends on a fresh supply of new brain cells, a study in mice suggests.. When mature mice learn a new task, their newly generated brain cells are three times more active than their old ones, the researchers found. The findings add to a growing body of evidence that the adult brain needs a steady addition of new cells to maintain its mental faculties.
Researchers found that mature mice’s brain cells are much more active than before when

A. they are transplanted with new brain cells.
B. they learn to do something new.
C. they gain weight in the body.
D. they get new cells from other mic



5.单项选择题Twitter, the micro-blogging service used by tens of millions of people, went off-line last month. It blamed the trouble on a malicious programmer in Russia who was trying to shut down the account of a user in neighboring Georgi

a. It is astonishing the local actions of a small number of programmers can bring an entire Internet service to its knees, but that appears to have been the case.
Who was responsible for the collapse of TwitterA. All its users.B. A malicious programmer in Russia.C. A small number of programmers.D. A user in neighboring Georgia,