单项选择题The absence of Y2K induced problems has been remarkable. There were no falling planes, no exploding power stations, no rogue missiles. Those horrors were always the stuff of myth. But so sparse were tales of disaster that journalists were driven to reporting on malfunctions in the breath-testing’ machines used on drunken motorists by the Hong Kong police. More problems may emerge in the coming weeks. Overall, though, Y2K has turned out to be Y20K:
One partial explanation is that the huge effort lavished(浪费) on bug-squashing has worked. The United States, according to a Commerce Department estimate, spent about 100 billion on the problem; the rest of the world probably spent about the same again. Those numbers are far smaller than some of the more exotic figures trailed a few years ago, but they are still substantial. Yet even the countries that had begun work late and done little-southern Europe, Russia, much of Asia-had a trouble free new year. So was the money wasted
According to the author, the amount of money spent on the Y2K problem was

A. too much.
B. not enough.
C. significant.
D. the same as had been expecte

