单项选择题Until recently, the industry has had little guidance in how to proceed with development without harming wildlife. Regulations are mostly imposed by states or local authorities, whose patchwork guidelines vary from stringent to lax. The Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee, established in 2007 under the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is proposing federal recommendations to reduce wind development’s effect on wildlife. Composed of wind-industry members, wildlife officials, and federal authorities, the committee will present the recommendations to the secretary of the interior for review in October. The recommendations are voluntary, but according to David Stout of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the guidelines will be" unprecedented in terms of companies agreeing to hold themselves to a higher standard."
The Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee is composed of all the following EXCEPT

A. wind-industry members.
B. wildlife officials.
C. federal authorities.
D. David Stout.

