
Unlike many scientists who work with microscopes, telescopes or some kind of laboratory equipment to perform experiments in order to solve problems they are working on, or find the answers they are looking for, Albert Einstein was a different kind of scientist. He did not perform experiments to prove his theories. He devoted his entire genius to conceiving. (构想) and developing (推导) ideas, and then turning them into written mathematical formulas.
Some of Einstein’s theories were so far ahead of their time that they could not be tested until years later when better scientific instruments and equipment had been invented. For instance, one theory pointed out the existence of a certain star that nobody had ever seen. Another predicted that an atom, then considered the smallest particle (粒子) in the universe, was actually composed of even smaller particles. Eventually both theories were proved to be true.
Albert Einstein gave the world many new mathematical formulas that helped explain the laws of the universe. No one in history has done so much as Einstein to help us understand such mysterious things as light, motion, gravity, space and time.

Unlike many scientists, Albert Einstein made his discoveries()

A.in his mind
B.in his laboratory
C.with microscope
D.with telescopes




M: Would you like to go to the movies
W. Why not

What does the woman mean()

A.The woman does not like to go to see a film.
B.The woman likes to go to see a film.
C.The woman often goes to the cinema.
D.The man does not like to go to the movies.

参考答案:to be completed
参考答案:to have been finished