


2.单项选择题For many years, people believed that the brain, like the body, rested during sleep. After all, we are rendered unconscious by sleep. Perhaps, it was thought, the brain just needs to stop thinking for a few hours every day. Wrong. During sleep, our brain--the organ that directs us to sleep—is itself extraordinarily active. And much of that activity helps the brain to learn, to remember and to make connections.
It wasn’t so long ago that the regretful joke in research circles was that everyone knew sleep had something to do with memory—except for the people who study sleep and the people who study memory. Then, in 1994, Israeli researchers reported that the average performance for a group of people on a memory test improved when the test was repeated after a break of many hours—during which some subjects slept and others did not. In 2000, a Harvard team demonstrated that this improvement occurred only during sleep.
There are several different types of memory—including declarative (fact-based information), episodic (events from your life) and procedural (how to do something)— and researchers have designed ways to test each of them. In almost every case, whether the test involves remembering pairs of words, tapping numbered keys in a certain order or figuring out the rules in a weather-prediction game, "sleeping on it" after first learning the task improves performance. It’s as if our brains squeeze in some extra practice time while we’re asleep.
This isn’t to say that we can’t form memories when we’re awake. If someone tells you his name, you don’t need to fall asleep to remember it. But sleep will make it more likely that you do. Sleep-deprivation experiments have shown that a tired brain has a difficult time capturing memories of all sorts. Interestingly, sleep deprivation is more likely to cause us to forget information associated with positive emotion than information linked to negative emotion. This could explain, at least in part, why sleep deprivation can trigger depression in some people: memories stained with negative emotions are more likely than positive ones to "stick" in the sleep-deprived brain.
Sleep also seems to be the time when the brain’s two memory systems—the hippocampus (海马体)and the neocortex (新皮质)—"talk" with each other. Experiences that become memories are laid down first in the hippocampus, eliminating whatever is underneath. If a memory is to be retained, it must be shipped from the hippocampus to a place where it will endure—the neocortex, the wrinkled outer layer of the brain where higher thinking takes place. Unlike the hippocampus, the neocortex is a master at weaving the old with the new. And partly because it keeps incoming information at bay, sleep is the best time for the "undistracted" hippocampus to shuttle memories to the neocortex, and for the neocortex to link them to related memories.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph

A. The brain rested during sleep.
B. The brain functioned in the same way as the body.
C. The brain needs to stop for a few hours every day.
D. The brain is very active during sleep.


A. Contact the elementary school.
B. Sign up for a special class.
C. Submit a r sum to the dean.
D. talk to Professor Dodge.


A. The results might be ready tomorrow.
B. The man needs another test tomorrow.
C. The results were called in last night.
D. The doctor called the lab last night.


A. Give Jack a different office.
B. Complain to the department head.
C. Move the supplies to the storage room.
D. Try to get a room to use for meetings.

7.填空题Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook
A. Unknown to most mainstream Facebook users, the social network actually offers a lot of privacy controls and security features which can help you batten down the hatches, so to speak. If used properly, you’ll never have to worry about whether you should friends the boss and your morn. You can friend anyone you want while comfortable in the knowledge that not everyone gets to see everything you post. The problem in implementing these privacy options is that they’re just too confusing for most non-tech savvy people to handle. And often, folks don’t want to bother to take the time to learn. To simplify the process, we’re offering five easy steps you can take today to help make your Facebook experience safer, more secure, and more private.
Step 1: Make friend lists
B. Yes, it will take some time, especially if you’re connected to a couple hundred friends already. But this step, while not the quickest, is fairly simple. And it will be one of the most useful things you can do on Facebook.
C. Friend lists, like they sound, are lists for categorizing your friends into various groups. The nice thing about this feature is that once you set these lists up, you won’t have to do it again. We suggest that you put your work colleagues and professional acquaintances into a friend list designated "work", personal friends you’re not very close with into a list called "Acquaintances", and people you’re related to into a list called "Family". Those three main categories will separate out the groups of "friends" who you may want to hide some information from. To create a friend list, click on "Friends" at the top of the Facebook homepage. In the lefthand column, click "Friends" again under the "Lists" section. Now you’ll see a button at the top that says "Create New List". Click it. In the pop-up that appears, you can name your list and pick members. If you’ve ever shared an application with your friends, the process of doing this will be very familiar. When you’ve finished making lists, you’ll be able to use them when selecting who can see that (or who can’t!) when configuring (配置) the security settings described below.
Step 2: Who can see what on your profile
D. At the top right of Facebook, there’s a menu that many people probably ignore: "Settings". But this menu is now going to become your best friend. To get started, hover you mouse over the Settings menu and click "Privacy Settings" from the list that appears. On the next page, click "Profile". This takes you to a page where you can configure who gets to see certain information on your profile. Before making changes, think carefully about the sorts of things you want private. Should "everyone" get to see photos you’re tagged in Or would you like to limit this only to those you’ve specifically chosen as Facebook friends
E. Underneath each section on this page (basic info, personal info, status, etc. ), you can designate who gets to see that particular bit of information. For anyone not using custom lists (see step 1), the best thing to enter here is "Only Friends". Anything else opens up your profile information to people you may or may not know. For example, choosing "Everyone" makes that info public, "Friends of Friends" lets your friends’ friends see it, "My Networks and Friends" opens up your info to anyone in your networks—that means anyone in your city, your high school, your college, a professional organization you listed, etc. You can also block certain groups from seeing these sections, too. On any item that offers an "Edit Custom Settings" option, you can click that link to display a pop-up box where you can choose people or lists to block (see where it says "Except these people"). If you haven’t made custom lists as explained in step 1 above, you can enter individual names here instead. (Sorry, mom, dad, boss—this is where you get blocked. )
Step 3: Who can see your address and phone number
F. Did you list your address and phone number on Facebook While that’s a handy feature, you may not want every one you friended to have this information. To access this configuration page, you follow the same steps as above in step 2 to display the Profile Privacy page. You’ll notice that the page has two tabs at the top— click on the one that reads "Contact information". As previously described above, you can again use the drop-down lists provided to designate who gets to see what and/or block certain people or lists from viewing this information. The sections on this page include "IM Screen Name", "Mobile Phone", "Other Phone", "Current Address", "Website", and your email.
Step 4. Change who can find you on facebook via search
G. Sick of getting friend requests from old high school pals While for some the beauty of Facebook is that it lets you reconnect with everyone you ever knew throughout your life, others find this intrusive and annoying. You’re not friends with any of these people anymore for a reason, right As it turns out, you can still enjoy Facebook without some folks ever knowing or finding you thanks to the search privacy settings. Click on the "Settings" menu on Facebook’s homepage and then click "Search" on the following page. You’ll be taken to a Search Privacy page where you can specify who gets to find you on Facebook. Want to be wide open Change the "Search Visibility" drop-down box to "Everyone". Want to keep it a little more limited Select "My Networks and Friends", "Friends of Friends", or "My Networks and Friends of Friends" instead. Don’t want anyone finding you on Facebook Change it to "Only Friends". That means only the people who you’ve already friended can find you in a Facebook search.
Step 5: Stop sharing personal info with unknown applications
H. Remember when we told you about what Facebook quizzes know about you Using Facebook’s default (默认) settings, you’re unknowingly sharing a plethora of personal information (and your friends’ info too!) with various Facebook applications and the developers who created them. The problem is so bad that the ACLU recently created their own Facebook Quiz to demonstrate how much information an app. has access to. It’s time to take back control! From the Facebook homepage, hover your mouse over the "Settings" menu and choose "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down list. On the next page, click "Applications" then click the tab that reads "Settings" which is next to the "Overview" tab.
I. On this page, you can check and uncheck boxes next to your personal information (picture, education history, wall, religious views, etc.). This controls what applications your friends are using can see about you. Yes, your friends’ apps. can see your personal info if you don’t have the same control over your own apps.. The best you can do is head over to the Applications page and delete the apps. you’re not using anymore.
It seems that many people may not realize the top right Settings menu when surfing the Facebook.
8.填空题The judgment that cigarette smoking is hazardous to health is the result of more than 30 years of research carded on by hundreds of scientists in this country and abroad. The conclusion that cigarette smoking is a (26) health hazard is supported by every medical and health (27) in the world which is known to have (28) an opinion on the matter.
While cigarette smokers tend to have higher death rates than nonsmokers. 80% of the excess deaths (29) with this habit are caused by three major diseases. They are lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and emphysema. Lung cancer was a (30) disease 50 years ago. Today, it is (31) that 60,000 men and women per year in the United States will die of this disease. Among men it is the most (32) cause of death from cancer.
Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Although chronic (33) from certain chemical substances, radiation, (34) , occupational hazards, air pollution, and other environmental factors have been implicated in this disease, they are of small importance compared with cigarette smoking. To those who smoke, however, they Can be important in increasing the risks still further. (35) 90 percent of all primary cancer cases occur in people who smoke cigarettes. Laboratory studies have isolated from tobacco smoke a number of chemical compounds that can cause cancer. In addition, there are elements in smoke that interact with other compounds to promote cancer production.The judgment that cigarette smoking is hazardous to health is the result of more than 30 years of research carded on by hundreds of scientists in this country and abroad. The conclusion that cigarette smoking is a (26) health hazard is supported by every medical and health (27) in the world which is known to have (28) an opinion on the matter.
While cigarette smokers tend to have higher death rates than nonsmokers. 80% of the excess deaths (29) with this habit are caused by three major diseases. They are lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and emphysema. Lung cancer was a (30) disease 50 years ago. Today, it is (31) that 60,000 men and women per year in the United States will die of this disease. Among men it is the most (32) cause of death from cancer.
Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Although chronic (33) from certain chemical substances, radiation, (34) , occupational hazards, air pollution, and other environmental factors have been implicated in this disease, they are of small importance compared with cigarette smoking. To those who smoke, however, they Can be important in increasing the risks still further. (35) 90 percent of all primary cancer cases occur in people who smoke cigarettes. Laboratory studies have isolated from tobacco smoke a number of chemical compounds that can cause cancer. In addition, there are elements in smoke that interact with other compounds to promote cancer production.

A. He advises students participating in a special program.
B. He teaches part-time in an elementary school.
C. He observes elementary school students in the classroom.
D. He helps students prepare their r sums.


A. be no place for play
B. be near a common area
C. have no TV sets
D. have a computer for study