
A. The cat is a lot of trouble.
B. The cat is quite friendly.
C. He doesn’t get along with Debbie.
D. He’s glad Debbie gave him the cat.




A. The man should have offered his assistance earlier.
B. She doesn’t need the man’s help.
C. She didn’t realize the boxes were empty.
D. She wants the man to move the boxes.


A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.


A. How much exercise they get every day
B. What they are most worried about
C. How long their parents accompany them daily
D. What entertainment they are interested in


A. Family debts.
B. Bank savings.
C. Monthly bills.
D. Spending habits.


A. Mating habits of squid and octopus.
B. The evolution of certain forms of sea life.
C. The study of marine shells.
D. Survival skills of sea creatures.


A. There aren’t enough cabinets.
B. There is too much noise.
C. Office supplies are taking up space.
D. Some teaching assistants don’t have desks.


A. Go to the movies with the man. B. Take her brother to the movies.
C. Eat at her brother’s. D. Cook dinner with Lois.

Let us imagine two barrels similar to those drawn...

A. She forgot when the report was due.
B. She’d like the man to help her with the report.
C. She needs more time to finish the report.
D. She hasn’t included any data in her report.


A. Turn down the volume.
B. Help the man study for a test.
C. Play a different kind of music.
D. Speak louder.