单项选择题From Paragraph 4, we can infer that ______.

A.the future of the media is one of truthfulness and accuracy
B.a shift in public opinion will cause the media to change its habits in reporting
C.in order for the media to change in a positive direction, the industry itself must desire the change
D.if public opinion and buying habits continue to favor sensationalism, papers will continue to exaggerate and misrepresent



1.单项选择题The opinion of the author on media reporting is that ______.

A.reporting, as it is conducted today, is of little value due to its sensationalist nature
B.the inaccurate nature of the media is the result of public demand for that type of journalism
C.the media is on a downward spiral toward further inaccuracies, but there is hope for the future
D.the media is primarily interested in boosting sales and only marginally interested in the accuracy of it's articles

2.单项选择题Accurate representation and reporting is vital in the media because ______.

A.such information is necessary for proper decision-making by public leaders
B.the way that information is presented to the public can influence opinions and outcomes
C.far-fetched exaggerations invariably intrude into the private lives of those being reported on
D.catering to profit-driven sensationalism leads to further inaccuracies and misrepresentations

3.单项选择题Some media sources utilize catchy but misleading headlines in order to ______.

A.foster interest in the main text of the article
B.boost sales by stirring interest above that of the competition's
C.outdo their competition in creating the most provocative stories
D.submit to the demands of the public, who want such sensational titles

4.单项选择题The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

A.interpret the function of forgetting
B.illustrate the process of adapting
C.explain the performance of memory
D.emphasize the importance of learning

5.单项选择题From the last paragraph we know that ______.

A.forgetfulness is a response to learning
B.the memory storage system is an exactly balanced input--output system
C.memory is a compensation for forgetting
D.the Capacity of a memory storage system is limited because forgetting occurs

6.单项选择题From the evolutionary point of view, ______.

A.forgetting for lack of practice tends to be obviously inadaptive
B.if a person gets very forgetful all of a sudden he must be very adaptive
C.the gradual process of forgetting is an indication of an individual's adaptability
D.sudden forgetting may bring about adaptive consequences

7.单项选择题The tone of the passage can best be described as ______.


8.单项选择题It is generally thought that a theorist in science is an individual who ______.

A.has strong feelings
B.has the ego of actors
C.is both cold and rational
D.is neither neurotic nor psychotic

9.单项选择题In the author's opinion, ______.

A.theorists never need society
B.a scientist should not try to adapt himself to the world
C.a non-theorist never tries to adapt the world to himself
D.theorists should contribute to the progress of human society

10.单项选择题In Line 4. Paragraph 3, the word "exacerbated" is most similar in meaning to" ______".

C.forced to continue