单项选择题Which of the following would most likely follow the final sentence of the passage

A.In the similar manner, several modem composers successfully established musical conventions.
B.Similarly, the succeeding generation of composers manipulated accepted musical forms.
C.In contrast to Beethoven, however, even great modern composers like Bela Bartok did not attempt to alter accepted musical conventions.
D.Musicologists are continuing to study the compositional styles of composers in order to determine whether their contributions have been innovativ



1.单项选择题The first two paragraphs tell us a true story of ______.

A.international cooperation via the Internet
B.how dangerous thallium can be to humans
C.how one can get help from the Internet
D.the girl's recovery from thallium poisoning

2.单项选择题The highly efficient modem communication system began ______.

A.over a century ago
B.in the middle 1960s
C.in the late 1980s
D.in the year 1980

3.单项选择题Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage

A.It is optical fibers and lasers that have made the information superhighway possible.
B.People can communicate with each other more quickly now on the Internet.
C.It has taken quite a long time for the Intern to come into existence.
D.If one is seriously ill, he can always get help via the modem communication system.

4.单项选择题The information superhighway came into existence because of ______.

A.copper wire cables
B.satellite communication
C.optical fibers
D.laser and optical fibers

5.单项选择题What is the energy source of this so-called solar-sail vehicle


6.单项选择题What can be inferred from the passage

A.Most scientists are confident that the spacecraft will work well.
B.A more ambitious orbital flight will follow this mission.
C.The author is quite sure that this mission will make impossible technologies seem possible.
D.The key of the engineering of Cosmos I is building wings that can open and pivot.

7.单项选择题What of the following correctly describe Cosmos I

A.It is a 3-ft. metal pod.
B.It has eight 35-ft. metallic wings.
C.It can fly an altitude above 260 miles.
D.When it flies back to Earth, it will fall into pieces.

8.单项选择题What does "brainchild" in the paragrapth 4 mean


9.单项选择题Thompson believed that man is instinctively a sun-worshipper because ______.

A.the worship of the sun-god had clearly been the function of the temple
B.all living things celebrate the sunrise
C.the sunrise is the most magnificent of all phenomena
D.It is natural for man to worship the sun and he has always done so

10.单项选择题The territory which Thompson was exploring ______.

A.had been abandoned by the Mayas about thirteen hundred years previously
B.had been occupied and developed by the Mayas about thirteen hundred years before
C.had been deserted by the Mayas as soon as the Spaniards arrived
D.was conquered by the Mayas thirteen hundred years ago