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Once a wise man was crossing certain mighty river, He wished to amuse himself and began to talk to the boatman.
"Do you know mathematics"he asked.
"No, Sir," replied the boatman.
“Then you have lost one quarter of your life," said the wise man.
"Do you know history?"
"No,Sir," answered the boatman.
"Then you have lost half of your life, "said the wise man. "Do you know philosophy?"
“I don' 't know that either," said the boatman.
"Then you have lost three quarters of your life"
Just then a sudden gust of wind overturned the boat.
"Do you know how to swim?" asked the boatman.
"No," replied the wise man.
"Well then," replied the boatman, "you have lost your whole life.
答案:have a try