单项选择题The Great Gatsby was written by ______.

A.Wallace Stevens
B.Thomas Steams Eliot
C.Ernest Hemingway
D.F. Scott Fitzgerald



1.单项选择题The following are the founding fathers of the American Republic except ______.

A.George Washington
B.Thomas Jefferson
C.Willian Penn
D.Benjamin Franklin

2.单项选择题North America borders both the North ______ and the North ______.

A.Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean
B.Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
C.Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
D.Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean

4.单项选择题The author advocates that women ______.

A.should not assume the roles of housewives at all
B.men should share homemaking with their wives
C.no other roles should be offered to women than being housewives
D.women should assume the roles of housewives only temporarily

5.单项选择题The "solidarity-with-housewives strand of feminist thought" (the first sentence in the fourth paragraph) refers to ______.

A.the first strand of feminist thought
B.the second strand of feminist though
C.the third strand of feminist thought
D.none of the above

6.单项选择题The second concern seems to be contradictory to the first one in that it argues ______.

A.that women should assume their proper roles as housewives
B.that women should commit no sin against their husbands and the society
C.from the premise that women are the weaker sex to be protected
D.that government policies should be made favorable to women's liberation

7.单项选择题According to the author, distinctions between those engaged in the creative arts and in natural sciences can in part be explained by ______.

A.the different objectives of those involved in these respective pursuits
B.the different methods they employ in the collection of data to support their theories
C.the different ways in which they attempt to extend accepted conventional forms
D.the different principles of organization that they utilize in order to create new works

8.单项选择题Why does the author suggest that the work of Beethoven was highly creative

A.Because he sought to become the only composer of his time to challenge accepted musical conventions.
B.Because he adopted a new principle of organization in his work by utilizing innovative strategies.
C.Because he creatively manipulated the accepted rules and forms governing musical composition.
D.Because he synthesized a transition between the older stylistic convention and the newer musical form.

9.单项选择题The passage implies that an original contribution in science is one that ______.

A.is often quoted in the work of other scientists
B.is careful not to make a value judgement about the use of data
C.is applauded by all distinguished experimentalists
D.generates a novel and well-founded generalization

10.单项选择题Which of the following would most likely follow the final sentence of the passage

A.In the similar manner, several modem composers successfully established musical conventions.
B.Similarly, the succeeding generation of composers manipulated accepted musical forms.
C.In contrast to Beethoven, however, even great modern composers like Bela Bartok did not attempt to alter accepted musical conventions.
D.Musicologists are continuing to study the compositional styles of composers in order to determine whether their contributions have been innovativ